Career Objective
Passing Year |
Degree Name |
University Name |
2017 |
Ph.D. (Mathematics) |
Shri Venkateshwara University, India |
2007 |
M. A. (Mathematics) |
Tribhuvan University (T.U.), Nepal |
2005 |
B.A. (Mathematics & Economics) |
Tribhuvan University (T.U.), Nepal |
2009 |
1 year B. Ed (Mathematics) |
Tribhuvan University (T.U.), Nepal |
2002 |
10+2 (Mathematics & Economics) |
H.S.E.B, Nepal |
1999 |
S.L.C. |
H.M.G. |
1. D.K. Rawal, S.K. Sahani, V. V. Singh and A. Jibril, Reliability assessment of multi- computer system consisting n- clients and the k- out- of-n: G operation scheme with copula repair policy, Life Cycle Reliability and safety engineering, 05 May 2022, DOI: “ |
2. S.K. Sahani, A.K. Thakur and A. Dubey, Degree of approximation of conjugate of function belonging to (N,p,q) Class by Matrix summability means of Conjugate Fourier series, Mathematical statistician and Engineering Applications, Vol. 71, No. 4, 2022, 321-331. |
3. S.K. Sahani, A.K. Thakur, Some ideas of Ces ro sequence spaces through summability in functional analysis, NeuroQuantology, December 2020, Vol.18, Issue 12, 54-60, doi: 10.48047/nq.2020.18.12. NQ20238. |
4. B.K. Sah and S.K. Sahani, Polynomial- Exponential Distribution, Mathematical Statistician and Engineering Applications, Vol.71, No.4, 2022, 2474-2486. |
5. B.K. Sah and S.K. Sahani, Modified Linear- Exponential Distribution, Neuro Quantology, Vol.20, Issue 5, 3520-3528, Doi:10.14704/nq.2022.20.5, No. 22650. |
6. S.K. Sahani, A.K. Thakur and J.K. Kushwaha, On a new application of Fourier series by Borel’s method, Neuroquantology, December 2021, Volume 19 , Issue 12 , Page 81-85 , Doi: 10.14704/nq.2021.19.12. NQ21199. |
7. S.K. Sahani and K.S. Prasad , Discuss and Analyze On Linear Approximations, International Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 5, No, 2, December 2020, 21-30. |
8. S.K. Sahani and K.S. Prasad, and A.K. Thakur, The Existence of Characters on relations between Certain Intrinsic topologies in Certain Partially ordered sets, Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education, Vol. 10, No. 03, 2019, 1435-1438. |
9. S.K Sahani and S.K. Tiwari and Devnarayan Yadav, An Unified Approach for the Contracting Mapping in Fixed Point Theorem, International Journal of Michanical Engineering, Vol. 6, No. 1, June, 2021,167-172, doi: https:// Doi. Org/ 10.56452/6-22. |
10. B.K. Sah, and S.K. Sahani, Poission-Modified Mishra Distribution, Jilin DaxueXuebao (Gongxueban) Journal of Jilin University (Eng. and tech. edition), vol. 42, Issue 01, 2023,261-275, doi: 10.17605/OSF.10/K5A7M. |
11. S.K. Sahani, A.K. Thakur, and S.K. Sahu, On a new application of Summation of Jacobi series by B- Method, Journal of Algebraic Statistics, Vol. 13, No. 3, 2022, 3261-3268. |
12. A.K. Thakur, S.K. Sahani and J.K. Kushwaha, Some Applications of Quadruple Hypergeometric Functions in function spaces, The Seybold Report, Vol. 17, No. 12, 2022, 894-903, Doi: 10.5281/ zenodo. 7451049. |
13. A.K. Thakur, S.K. Sahani and S. Dewangan, Development of Mittag- Letter Function of Fractional Differential operator, Jilin Daxue xuebao ( Gongxueban) Journal of Jilion University ( Eng. and Tech. Edition ), Vol. 41, Issue 12,2022, 832-842, Doi: 10.17605/ OSF. IO/ U3TA7. |
14. M.K. Sharma, N. Dhiman, L. N. Mishra, V. N. Mishra and S. K. Sahani, Mediative Fuzzy Extension Technique and its Consistent Measurement in the Decision Making of Medical Applications , Mathematical Problems in Engineering , Vol. 2021, Article ID 5530681, 9 pages, |
15. S.K. Tiwari, S.K. Sahani, R. Kurre, Rational Type Contraction in Cone Metric Spaces via Fixed Point Theorem, Int. J. of Sci., Math and Tech. Leaning. Vol. 30, No. 2, 2022, 771-782. |
16. B.K. Sah and S.K. Sahani, New Quadratic – Exponential Distribution, Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results, Vol. 13, Issue 4, 2022, 2338-2351, Doi: 10.47750/ pnr.2022.13.504.289. |
17. S.K. Sahani, L.N. Mishra, A Certain study on N Summability of series, Journal of Linear and Topological Algebra, Vol. 09, No. 04, 2020, 311-321. |
18. S.K. Sahani, K.S. Prasad and A. K. Thakur, A new approach on some operator theory in certain semi-inner-Product spaces, Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education, Vol. 09, No. 03, 2018, 785-791, Doi: 10.48047/ turcomat/v19103/0. |
19. S.K. Sahani, K.S. Prasad, A.K. Thakur and B.K. Nirala, Locally Convex topological vector lattics and their representation, Neuro Quntrology, Vol. 17, Issue 12, December 2019, 64-67, Doi: 10.4847/ nq.2019.17.12. NQ19117. |
20. S.K. Sahani, K.S. Prasad and A.K. Thakur, Analysis of Practical Applications of Coordinate Geometry, International Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Vol.7, No.12, December 2022, 343-350. |
21. S. K. Sahani and V. N. Mishra, Degree of Approximation of Functions by N Summability of Double Fourier Series, Mathematical Sciences and Applications E- Notes, Vol.11, No.2,2023,80-88, 10.36753/ mathenot.1008750. |
22. S.K. Sahani and L.N. Mishra, Degree of Approximation of Signals by N Summability of Derived Fourier Series, The Nepali Math. Sci. Report, Vol. 38, No. 2, 2021, 13-19. Doi: 0.3126/ nmsr.v.38i2.42845. |
23. S.K. Sahani, V.N. Mishra and L. Rathour, On N Summability of double Fourier Series, Open Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Vol.6, Issue1, 2022, 99-107, Doi:10.30538/oms2022.0180. |
24. S.K. Sahani, G. P. Paudel and A.K. Thakur, On A New Application of Positive and Decreasing Sequence to Double Fourier Series Associated with , Journal of Nepal Mathematical Society(JNMS),Vol.5,Issue1,2022, Doi: /10.3126/jnms. V5i2.50011. |
25. S. K Sahani, G. P. Paudel, J. L. Ghimire and A. K. Thakur, On Certain series to series Transformation and Analytic Continuations by Matrix Methods, Nepal Journal of Mathematical Sciences (NJMS), Vol. 3, No. 1, 2022 (February), 75-80, Doi:https://doi. Org/ 10.3126/ njmathsci.voi31. 44127. |
26. S.K. Sahani, V.N. Mishra and N.P. Pahari, On the Degree of Approximation of a Functions by N Means of its Fourier Laguerre Series, Nepal Journal of Mathematical Sciences (NJMS), Vol.1 , 2020(October): 65-70. |
27. S.K. Sahani, V.N. Mishra and N.P. Pahari, Some Problems on Approximations of Functions (Signals) in Matrix Summability of Legendre Series, Nepal Journal of Mathematical Sciences (NJMS), Vol.2(1), 2021(February), 43-50. |
28. S.K. Sahani and K. Sahani, Study and Analysis of Dynamical Models of Plant Growth Analysis in Calculus, Int. J. of Engineering, Pure and Applied Sciences, vol. 3, No.1, March 2018, 30-35. |
29. G.P. Paudel, S.K. Sahani and N.P. Pahari, On Generalized Form of Difference Sequence Spaces of Fuzzy Real Number Defined by Orlicz Function, Nepal Journal of Mathematical Sciences (NJMS), Vol.3, No. 2, 2022(August), 31-38. Doi:10.3126/njmathsci. v3i2.49200. |
30. S.K. Sahani and K.S. Prasad, On a new application of almost non-increasing sequence to Ultraspherical Series associated with (N,p,q)k means, Published in: Applied Science Periodical ISSN 0972-5504, Volume: XXIV, No. 1, February 2022, pp. 1-11. Online Link: science-volume-XXIV-feb-22.php, DOI No.:,ORCID Link:, Google Scholar Link:, Refereed and Peer-Reviewed Quarterly Periodical. |
31. S.K. Sahani and K.S. Prasad, RELATIVE STRENGTH OF CONIC SECTION, Published in: The Mathematics Education ISSN 0047-6269, Volume: LVII, No. 1, March2023,pp.122.OnlineLink: ORCIDLink: Google Scholar Link:, AJ Refereed and Peer-Reviewed Quarterly Journal. |
32. S.K. Sahani and D. Jha, Study and Investigation on Real Life Application of First Ordered Differential Equation, Published: The Mathematics Education ISSN 0047-6269,Volume:LVI,No.1,March2022,pp.18-27.Online Link:,DOI No.:, ORCID Link:,Google Scholar Link:,AJ, Refereed and Peer-Reviewed Quarterly Journal. |
33. S.K. Sahani and D. Jha, A certain studies on degree of approximation of functions by matrix transformation, Published in: The Mathematics Education ISSN 0047-6269, Volume: LV, No. 2, June 2021, pp. 21-33.Online Link:,Research-Journal-Volume-LV-2.php DOI No.:, ORCID Link:, Google Scholar Link: , AJ Refereed and Peer-Reviewed Quarterly Journal. |
34. S.K. Sahani and K.S. Prasad, Some New Applications of Calculus to Non-linear Sciences, Published in: Applied Science Periodical ISSN 0972-5504,Volume: XXIV, No. 4, November 2022, pp. 1-9.Online Link:, science-volume-XXIV-4-nov-2022.php DOI No.:, ORCID Link:,Google Scholar Link:, Refereed and Peer-Reviewed Quarterly Periodical. |
35. S.K. Sahani and K.S. Prasad, Study and Analysis of Input/Output Analysis to Non-Linear Science, Published in: ACCST Research Journal ISSN 0972-7779,Volume: XXI,No.1,January2023,pp.11-30, OnlineLink:,DOI No.:, ORCID Link:,Google Scholar: Refereed and Peer-Reviewed Quarterly Journal. |
36. S.K. Sahani & K.S. Prasad, REAL LIFE APPLICATION OF ROLLE’S THEOREM, Published in: ACCST Research Journal ISSN 0972-7779, Volume: XX, No. 4, October 2022, pp. 21-28. Online Link: Research-Journal-Volume-XX-4-oct-2022.php, DOI No.:,ORCID Link:,Google Scholar: Refereed and Peer-Reviewed Quarterly Journal. |
37. H. Vasishtha and S.K. Sahani, STUDY AND ANALYSIS OF FRACTIONAL CALCULUS IN APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND OTHER FIELDS, Published in Applied Science Periodical, ISSN 0972-5504 Volume XV, No. 4, November 2013, pp. 183-191. (A Refereed and Peer-Reviewed Quarterly Periodical). |
38. H. Vasishtha and S.K. Sahani, USE AND APPLICATION OF DERIVATIVE INFRACTIONAL CALCULUS AND OTHER SCIENCES, Published in Applied Science Periodical, ISSN 0972-5504 Volume XVI, No. 2, May 2014, pp. 58-67. (A Refereed and Peer-Reviewed Quarterly Periodical). |
39. S.K. Sahani, STUDY ON THE EFFECT OF INTERACTION BETWEEN WATER AND STRUCTURAL MEMBER Published in Applied Science Periodical, ISSN 0972-5504 Volume XVII, No. 4, pp. 99-111. (A Refereed and Peer-Reviewed Quarterly Periodical). |
40. S.K. Sahani, A CERTAIN STUDIES OF SOME PROBLEMS OF ADAMS-BASHFORTHMOULTON ALGORITHM, Applied Science Periodical, ISSN 0972-5504 Volume XVIII, No. 4, November 2016, pp. 164-173. (A Refereed and Peer-Reviewed Quarterly Periodical). |
41. H. Vasishtha and S.K. Sahani, Fractional calculus and its application in different fields, Smart Vision, vol.4, 2016, ISSN 2350-8841. |
42. H. Vasishtha and S. K. Sahani, Analysis of real life application of derivatives in several engineering fields, Smart Vision, Vol.3, pp. 74-82, 2015, ISSN 2350-8841. |
43. H. Vasishtha and S. K. Sahani, A short study and analysis of real life application of derivatives in economics, Ideal Science Review, Vol.-9, pp. 5-11, 2016, ISSN 2320-1819. |
44. H. Vasishtha and S. K. Sahani, A study of applications of derivatives in differences in different fields of biology, Gyan Vatika, Vo.3, pp. 42-48, 2015, ISSN 2392-4489. |
45. S. K. Sahani, The Importance in History of Derivatives in Real Life Applications, International Conference on Mathematical Techniques, Application of Science And Technology, ICMTAST-2021,401-408. |
46. S. K. Sahani, et al., A case study on analytic geometry and its applications in real life, international Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Vol.4, no.1, June 2019, 151-163, DOI : |
47. D. Raghav, S. K. Sahani, V. V. Singh, Dr. Shakeeluddin, Performance Assessments of a Complex Repairable System with K- out -of n:G operational Scheme Copula Repair Approach, Industrial Journal of Engineering International,Vol.18, 3, 35-49, 2022. |
48. S. K. Sahani, et al., On a New Application of Almost Decreasing Sequence to Some Specific Series Associated with [B] Summation, Proceedings of CONIAPS XXVII, Narosha Publishing, Mathematical Analysis, Accepted date: Mon, 17 Oct. 2022. |
49. S.K Sahani, et al., An estimate of the rate of convergence of infinite matrices and their application to infinite series, Open Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 7 (2023), Issue 1, pp. 17-24 DOI: 10.30538/oms2024.0221 |
50. S. K. Sahani, et al., Evaluation of International Complexity of Mathematical Programming Problems, Korea Review of International Studies, Vol.16, Issue 46, 51-55, May 2023. |
51. S. K. Sahani, et al., Long-Run Savings and Investment Strategy in Optimization Theory, Korea Review of International Studies, Vol.16, Issue 48,100-106, July 2023. |
52. S. I. Kbelah, E. G. Almusawi, S. K. Sahani, I. I. Berdimuratova, A. K. Libaevna, P. N. Rashid uli, Manufacturing Performance: Integrating Institutional Theory, Resorce- Based View and Big Data Culture, 3rd ICACITE 2023, 1340-1343, 2023. |
53. S.K. Sahani and B. K. Sah, Study on the use of Statistics-The Way to Earn Profit, Applied Science Periodicals, Vol.XXV, No.2, May 2023. |
54. S. K. Sahani, et al., Some new approach on ellipsoid algorithm for non-linear programming, Manager-The British journal of Administrative Management, Vol.59, Issue163 30-37, June 2023. |
55. S.K. Sahani, et al., Some Families of Bilinear and Bilateral Generating Functions in Function Space Associated with Hupergeometric Polynomials, Mathematicial Statistician and Engineering Applications, Vol.71, No.1, 658-676, 2022. |
56. S.K. Sahani, et al., Evidence From International Financial Markets on Stock Market Liquidity During Times of Distress and Its Consequence, International Journal of Advance Technology and Social Sciences, Vol.1, No.1, 1-14,2023, doi: |
57. S.K. Sahani, et al., Economic Insights Unveiled: A Journey Through Input-Output Analysis in Non-Linear Mathematics, Journal of Multidisciplinary Sciences MIKAILALSYS, Vol.1, Issue 3, 240-259, 2023 |
58. S.K. Sahani and S.K. Tiwari, Properties of Infinite Matrices and Sequence Space, Asian Journal of Science, Technology, Engineering and Arts,Vol.1, Issue1, 154-167, October 2023, |
59. S.K. Sahani,et al., Criticial Analyzing on Sand,Gravel,and Stone Miningon The Ongka River for Materials which are Not Metalic, Tuijin Jishu/ Journal of Propulsion Technology, Vol.43, No.4, 18-36, 2022. |
60. J.K. Kushwaha, A.K. Thakur, S.K. Sahani and H. Suryawanshi, Existence and Convergence of Gamma Matrices and their Application to Infinite Series, The Mathematical Education, Vol.LVII, No.17-30, June 2023. |
61. S.K. Sahani et al., Recent Applications of Multiple Hypergeometric Transformations in Function Spaces and Associated Reduction Formulas, Tuijin Jishu/ Journal of Propulsion Technology, Vol.44, No.3,1522-1535,2023. |
62. S.K. Tiwari, S.K. Sahani and R. Kurre, An Approach to Multi-valued Mapping with Classical Results of Common Fixed Point for b-Metric Space, Science , Technology, and Development, Vol.XII, Issue IX, 99-109, September 2023. |
63. A.K. Thakur, S.K. Sahani, and G. Das, Generalization of Fractional Integral Equations (FIE) Associated with Mittag-Leffler Function(MLF),NeuroQunatology, Vol.20, Issue 3, 1062-1070, March 2022. |
64. B.K. Sah and S.K. Sahani, Polynomial-Exponential Mixture of Poisson Distribution,Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education,Vol.14,No.03,505-516,August 2023. |
65. S.K. Sahani,et al., On the Relative Strength of Double Fourier Series and Its Allied Series, Mathematicial Statistician and Engineering Applications, Vol.70, No.1, 826-837, 2021. |
66. S.K. Tiwari, S.K. Sahani and J.P. Ganvir,Rational Type Contractionin Partially Ordered Metric Space and Classical Results of Common Coupled Fixed Points,Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education,Vol.11, No.03, 2335-2340, 2020. |
67. S.K. Tiwari, J.P. Ganvir and S.K. Sahani, Rational Type Contraction in b-Metric Spaces and Common Coupled Fixed Point Theorems, Journal of Nepal Mathematicial Society ,Vol.6, Issue 1, 74-79, 2023. |
68. S.K. Tiwari, L.Rathour, S.K. Sahani and L.N. Mishra, Results for Coupled Fixed Point Theorems in Partial Order Metric Spaces, AIP Conference Proceedings, 2768, 020013(2023), |
69. S.K. Sahani and D.N. Mandal, Some New Studies on Logic and Sets, The Mathematical Education, Vol.LVII, No.2, 1-15, June 2023. |
70. S.K. Sahani, D.N, Mandal, and G. Das, The International Pricing of Ricks: An Empirical Investigation of World Capital Market Structure, American Journal of Science and Learning for Development, Vol.2, No.7, 49-65, July 2023. |
71. S.K. Sahani, The Effective Theory of Producer and Consumer Surplus: Positive Demand, Negative Supply, Central Asian Journal of Mathematical Theory and Computer Sciences, Vol.04, Issue 8, 70-76, August 2023. |
72. S.K. Sahani, Youth on Employment and Job Creation in African Countries: Opportunities, Challenges, Characteristics Determinants and Performance of Self- Employment Among the Youth African Countries, Central Asian Journal of Mathematical Theory and Computer Sciences, Vol.04, Issue 7,27-41, July 2023. |
73. S.K. Sahani and S.K. Tiwari, Properties of Infinite Matrices and Sequence Spaces, Asian Journal of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Art, Vol.1, Issue 1, 154-167, 2023 |
74. S.K. Sahani et al., Economic Insights Unveiled: A Journey through Input-output Analysis in Non-Linear Mathematics, Journal of Multidisciplinary Science MIKAILALSYS, Vol.1, Issue 3,240-259, December 2023 |
75. S.K. Sahani et al., Evidence From International Financial Markets on Stock Market Liquidity During Times of Distress and Its Consequence, The International Journal of Advanced Technology and Social Science,Vol.1,No.1,1-14,2023. |
76. S.K. Tiwari, S.K. Sahani, and B. Sonat, Complex Valued Dislocated Metric Spaces and Fixed Point Theorem for Pair of Contractive Maps, The Aligarh Bulletin of Mathematics,Vol.42, No.1, 53-65, 2023. |
77. S.K. Sahani and G. Das, Generalized Almost Matrix Summability of Fourier Series and Its Conjugate Series,Tuijin Jishu/ Journal of Propulsion Technology, Vol.43, No.3, 2635-2655, 2023. |
78. S.K Sahani, et al., Unraveling the Interdependence of Input-Output Business Sector: A Case Study, International Journal of Education, Management, and Technolgy, Vol.1, Issue 1, 27-45, December 2023, |
79. S.K. Tiwari, B. Sonat,and S.K. Sahani, Contraction Type Expansive Map on Complex Valued Metric Space with Fixed Points, Asian Journal of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Arts, Vol.1, Issue 2, 200-207, December 2023. |
80. A. Jha, S.K. Sahani, A. Jha, and K. Sahani, Business Insights Unveiled: A Journey Through Linear Programming Problems, Mikailalsys Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, Vol.1, Issue 1, 1-14, October 2023, |
81. S.K. Sahani, R. Sah, S. Kumari, K. Sahani, and K.S. Prasad. Unraveling the Interdependence of Input and Outputs in the Business Sector: A Case Study, International Journal of Education, Management, and Technology, Vol.1, Issue 1, 27-45, December 2023, |
82. A. Jha, S.K. Sahani, A. Jha, and K. Sahani, From Equations to Insights: Navigating the Canvas of Tumor Growth Dynamics, MASALIQ Jurnal Pendidikan dan Sains, Vol.3, No.6,1246-1264, November 2023 |
83. P. Sharma, S.K. Sahani, K.S. Sahani and K. Sharma, Modeling Planetary and Stellar Motion Using Differential Equations, ARZUSIN Journal Manajeman Pendidikan Dasar, Vol.3, Issue 6, 769-782, December 2023, |
84. D.P. Yadav, N.K. Kumar, and S.K. Sahani, Distance Metrics for Machine Learning and It’s Relation with Other Distances, Mikailalsys Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, Vol.1,Issue 1, 15-23, October 2023, |
85. J.K. Pokharel, N.P. Pahari, and S.K. Sahani, Critical Analyzing on Some New Application of Almost Decreasing Sequence to Legendre Series Associated with [B] Sum, Advances in Nonlinear Variational Inequalities, Vol.26, No.2, 36-40, 2023. |
86. S. Sharma, S.K. Sahani, B. Chaudhary, K. Sahani, and N. Sah, Asan, The Traditional Market of Kathmandu Valley; Analyzing Market Trend and Consumer Buying Behaviour of Such Market, EDUMALSYS Journal of Research in Education Management, Vol.1, Issue 2, 215-226, 2023. |
87. K.R. Regmi, K. Sahani, and S.K. Sahani, Mineral Additives in Concrete Durability; A Comprehensive Review, Asian Journal of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Art, Vol.1, Issue 2, 377-393, December 2023 |
88. K. Sahani, S.S. Khadka, S.K. Sahani, B.K. Pandey, and D.V. Pandey, A Possible Underground Roadway for Transportation Facilities in Kathmandu Valley Ring Road; A Racking Deformation of Underground Rectangular Structures, Engineering Reports, 2023; e12821, |
89. S.K. Tiwari, S.K. Sahani, and P. Chandra, Exact Solutions For the Flow Spatiotemporal Linear Stability by Using A Research Paradigm Associated With Fractional Calculus, Tuijin Jishu/ Journal of Propulsion Techonology, Vol. 42, No.4, 51-75, 2021. |
90. S.K. Sahani et al., Critical Analyzing on Sand , Gravel, and Stone Mining on the Ongka River for Materials which are not Metalic, Tuijin Jishu/ Journal of Propulsion Techonology, Vol.43, No.4, 18-36, 2022. |
91. S.K. Sahani et al.Analytical Framework, Differential Equations in Aerospace Engineering, ALSYSTECH Journal of Education Technology, Vol.2, Issue 1, 13-30, January 2024. |
92. S.K. Sahani et al. A Certain Studies on Mathematical Modeling; An Optimization Oriented the Replacement of Items Whose Efficiency Deteriorates with Time, MIKAILALSYS Journal of Multidisciplinary, Vol.2, Issue 1, 1-12, April 2024. |
93. S.K. Sahani et al. Enrollment of Vector in Cardiology and Study of Cardiac Cadence, Asian Journal of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Art, Vol.2, Issue 1, 1-14, February 2024. |
94. S.K Sahani et al. Constructing a Precise Method to Control Non-Linear Systems Employing Special Functions and Machine Learning, Communications on Applied Nonlinear Analysis, Vol.30, No.2, 1-14, 2023. |
95. A. Jha, S.K.Sahani, A. Jha, and K. Sahani, Journey to the Cosmos; Navigating Stellor Evolution with Differnetial Equations, Alifmatika; Jurnal Pendidikan Dan Pembelajaran Matematika, Vol.5, Issue 2, 282-297, December 2023. |
96. N.K. Kumar, D.P. Yadav, and S.K. Sahani, Poincare’s Theorem of Asymptotic Series and It’s Applications, Mikailalsys Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, Vol.2, Issue 1, 1-7, February 2024. |
97. S.K. Sahani, Avinash Kumar, and Ravi Prakash Dubey, An Estimate of the Rate of Convergence for the Absolute Summability of Factors of Infinite Series, Power System Technology, Vol.47, Issue 4, 359-370, December 2023. |
98. M.P. Paudel, S.K. Sahani, G.B. Basnet, et al., A New Extension of Combination of Linear and Bilinear Generating Relations in Function Spaces Associated with Hypergeometric Polynomials: Some New Applications of Two Signals in Special Functions, Advances in Nonlinear Variational Inequalities, Vol.27, No.1, 161-173, 2024. |
99. Binay Kumar Pandey, Digvijay Pandey, and Suresh Kumar Sahani, Autopilot control unmanned aerial vehicle system for sewage defect detection using deep learning, Engineering Reports, Vol.6, Issue 1, 1-18, 2024. |
100.S.K. Sahani, et al., Assessment of the Manufacturing Quality of Metalic Surface Finishes in Artificial Intelligence, IGI Global Publishing Tomorrow’s Research Today, DOI:10.4018/979-8-3693-1347-3.ch016. |
101.B.K. Sah and S.K. Sahani, Premium Linear-Exponential Mixture of Poisson Distribution, Communications on Applied Nonlinear Analysis, Vol.31, No.1,187-199, 2024. |
102.D.N. Mandal, S.K. Sahani, et al., A New Estimation of Orthant Probability of Complex Homogenous Vectors: An Actual Use to Set Building, Stochastic Modeling and Computational Sciences, Vol.3, No.2, 442-461, December 2023. |
103.B.K. Sah and S.K. Sahani, Premium Linear-Exponential Mixture of Poisson Distribution, Communications on Applied Nonlinear Analysis, Vol.31, No.1, 187-199, 2024. |
104.K.K. Sah, S.K. Sahani, K. Sahani, and B.K. Sah, A Study and Examined of Exponential Function: A Journey of its Applications in Real Life, Mikailalsys Journal of Advanced Engineering International, Vol.1, Issue 1, March 2024, 23-32. |
105.P. Sah, S.K. Sahani, K. Sahani, Study and Analysis of Education System in Nepal and Its Challenges Along With Its Solution, Mikailalsys Journal of Advanced Engineering International, Vol.1, Issue 1, March 2024, 33-42. |
106.P. Karn, S.K. Sahani, K. Sahani, Study and Analysis of Some Practical Life Uses and Applications of Exponential Function, Mikailalsys Journal of Advanced Engineering International, Vol.1, Issue 1, March 2024, 43-56. |
107.B.K. Sah and S.K. Sahani, Generalized Poisson-Modified Mishra Distribution, Power System Technology, Vol.48, Issue1, March 2024, 157-167. |
108.S.K. Mahato, S.K. Sahani, et al., Study and Analysis of Some Real Life Applications of Exponential Function, EDUMALSYS Journal of Research in Education Management, Vol.2, Issue 1, 2024, 13-26. |
109.S.K. Karna and S.K. Sahani, A Journey Through Unveiled: Customer Satisfaction with Service Quality in Nepali Commerical Bank, Journal of Informatics Education and Research, Vol.4, Issue 2, 2024, 112-137. |
110.S.K. Karna and S.K. Sahani, Analytical Study of Cooperative Organizations Based on Domestic Area of Asian Countries: A Classical Approach of Village, International Journal of Education, Management, and Technology, Vol.2, Issue 1, April 2024, 40-62. |
111.B. K. Sah, & S.K. Sahani, Poisson-New Quadratic-Exponential Distribution. Mikailalsys Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, 2(2), 2024, 27-45. |
112.S. Jha, and & S.K.Sahani (2024). Research Paper Unveiling the Power of Exponential Functions: Applications in Our Daily Lives. ARZUSIN, 4(3), 402-409. |
113.Sah, B. K., & Sahani, S. (2024). Poisson-New Quadratic-Exponential Distribution. Mikailalsys Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, 2(2), 27-45. |
114.Chaurasiya, P., Sharma, N., Chaudhary, S., Sah, S., Sahani, S., & Sahani, K. (2024). Study and Analysis of Some Real Life Applications of Exponential Function Based on Population Growth Rate of Nepal. Asian Journal of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Art, 2(3), 352-361. |
115.Pandit, J. K., Sahani, S., & Sahani, K. (2024). Analysis of Some Practical Life Uses and Applications of Exponential Function. Journal of Multidisciplinary Science: MIKAILALSYS, 2(2), 179-192. |
116.Karna, S. K., & Sahani, S. (2024). An Analytical Study of Deposit Collection and Fund Mobilization in Developng Countries : A Financial Apprroach to Nepalese Commercial Banks in Nonlinear Analysis. PALAPA, 12(1), 40-61. |
117.Karna, S. K., & Sahani, S. K. (2024). A Empirical Study of Micro Finance Services and Participatory Self-development Expedition Acclerating in Developing Countries: An Approach to Rural Perspective of Nepal. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF BUSINESS STARTUPS AND OPEN SOCIETY, 4(4), 119–134. Retrieved from |
118.Karna, S.K. and Sahani, S.K., (2024)A Statistical Analysis of Discrimination and Exploitation based on Ethnicity, Caste, Sex, Religion and Class in Developing Countries: A Graphical Study of Nepalese Societies, Vol.2, No.4, 174-197. |
119.Sah, B., Mandal, N., Sahani, S., & Sahani, K. (2024). Applications of Exponential Function in Our Real Lives. International Journal of Humanities, Education, and Social Sciences, 2(2), 144-153. |
120.Sah, B.K. and Sahani, S.K., Poisson-New Linear-Exponential Distribution, African Journal of Biological Sciences, 6(5) (2024). 64-73, doi: 10.33472/AFJBS.6.5.2024.64-73. |
121.H. Gautam,S.K. Sahani, D.N. Mandal, M.P. Pauel, and K. Sahani, A Revision of Relaxed Steepest Descent, Gradient Descent, Modified Ellipsoid, David-Fletcher-Powell Variable Metric, Newton’s, and Fletcher-Reeves Conjugate Methods From the Dynamics on an Invariant Manifold: A Journey of Mathematical Optimization,Vol6, Issue 5, 2024, 2175-2187, doi:10.33472/AFJBS.6.5.2024. 2175-2187. |
122.Nayan K. Prasad, Kumari Shachi, & Suresh Kumar Sahani. (2022). Nutritional Stress and Ascorbic Acid Dynamics: Gender Perspectives In Clarias Batrachus. Journal of Advanced Zoology, 43(1), 914–918. |
123.Sah, S. K., Sahani, S., Sahani, K., & Sharma, D. K. (2024). Some real Life Application of Derivatives in Economics. Mikailalsys Journal of Advanced Engineering International, 1(2), 120-131. |
124.Sahani, S.K., et al.2024, Information in the African Markets Bolstering Conventional Indices: A Review of the Theory and Empirical Evidences, Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, Vol.30, 5, 6703-6710. |
125.S.K. Sahani, et al., Real Life Applications of Transportation Problem: A Study and Complex Analysis of Hyundai Plants. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, Vol.30, Issue 5, 11546-11550, 2024. |
126.Thakur, K. K., Sahani, S., Thakur, A. K., Sahani, K., Prasad, N. K., & Sah, B. K. (2024). Use of Exponential Function in Plant Growth Analysis: A Mathematical Study of Herbal Plants in Nepal. TSAQOFAH, 4(3), 2254-2263. |
127.Sah, A. K., Sah, D. K., Sah, M. K., Sahani, S., Sahani, K., Mandal, D., & Karna, S. (2024). Study and Analysis of Some Impact on GDP of Nepal by Increase the Exports and Decreasing Import, on Economic Growth of Nepal with the Help of Exponential Function. FONDATIA, 8(2), 168-176. |
128.Prasad, N.K., Shachi, K., Kumar, S., and Sahani, S.K., Biochemical Impact of Prolonged Starvation on Clarias Batrachus; A Comparative Study of Liver, Ovary, and Testis, Journal of Survey Fisheries, Vol.10, 4, 3531-3544, 2023. |
129.Karna, S. K., Sahani, S. K., Mishra, A. K., Sahani, K., & Thakur, A. K. (2024). A Study of Public Awareness towards Health Education and Social Issues in Developing Countries: A Graphical Representation of Social Issues in Nepal. FONDATIA, 8(2), 509-529. |
130.Sharma, P., Sahani, S. K., Sharma, K., & Sahani, K. (2024). Rocket science unveiled: A differential equation exploration of motion. Alifmatika: Jurnal Pendidikan Dan Pembelajaran Matematika, 6(1), 42-50. |
131.Prasad, N. K., & Sahani, S. (2024). Impact of Agricultural Insecticide Vapona on a Freshwater Catfish Heteropneustes Fossilis: A Toxicity Study. Journal of Multidisciplinary Science: MIKAILALSYS, 2(2), 231-239. |
132.Prasad, N. K., Shachi, K., & Sahani, S. K. (2024). Sex-Specific Responses to Prolonged Fasting in Clarias Batrachus: a Glycogen Study. Miasto Przyszłości, 49, 1038–1042. Retrieved from |
133.Nayan K. Prasad, Suresh Kumar Sahani, Some Biochemical Changes in the Brain of Clarias Batrachus during Prolonged Food Deprivation, Pak. j. life soc. Sci. (2024), 22(1): 1052-1061. |
134.Kameshwar Sahani, Shyam Sundar Khadka and Suresh Kumar Sahani, Influence of corrosion on lifespan of reinforced concrete structures: A comprehensive review, Kathmandu University Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology, Vol. 18, No. 1, June 2024. |
135.Sahani, S. K., Tiwari, S., Sonat, B., & Poudel, M. P. (2024). On The Determination of a Convex Sequence of Signals by Absolute Sum of Factors of Trigonometric Series. The Nepali Mathematical Sciences Report, 41(1), 43–53. |
136.Prasad, N. K., Shachi, K., & Sahani, S. K. (2024). TOXICOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT OF COPPER SULPHATE ON CHANNA ORIENTALIS AND HETEROPNEUSTES FOSSILIS: LC50 VALUES AND MORTALITY ANALYSIS. Journal of Medical Genetics and Clinical Biology, 1(7), 20–26. |
137.Prasad, N. K. ., Shachi, K. ., Kumar, S. ., & Sahani, S. K. (2024). Vitamin C Dynamics in the Reproductive Tissues of Starved Clarias batrachus: Male vs. Female. Scholastic: Journal of Natural and Medical Education, 3(03), 30–34. Retrieved from |
138.Suresh Kumar Sahani, Surendra Kumar Tiwari, Devnarayan Yadav, Madhav Prasad Poudel. Relative Strength of Common Fixed Point Theorem of Self-Mappings Satisfying Rational Inequalities in Real Valued Generalized Complete Metric Spaces. Equations. 2024;4:7-16. 10.37394/232021.2024.4.2. |
139.Sahani, S. K., Prasad, N. K., & Shachi, K. (2024). Biochemical Adaptations to Prolonged Starvation in Freshwater Catfish: Gonadal Glycogen Dynamics. Formosa Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, 3(7), 2479–2488. |
140. Shah, B., Sah, R. K., & Sah, K. K. (2024). Entrepreneurial Process: A Case Study of Mithila Thali Restaurant by Chef Santosh Shah. International Journal of Education, Management, and Technology, 2(2), 118-129. |
141.S. K. Sahani, V. V. Singh, K. S. Sisodia, and K. Sharma, “Common fixed-point theorem for commuting maps on a metric space,” Mathematical Models in Engineering, Vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 152–160, Jul. 2024, |
142.Luitel, S. ., Pokherel, M. ., Sharma, L. ., Poudel, M. P. ., & Sahani, S. K. . (2024). Teacher’s Mindset and Mathematical Competencies Development: An Appraisal of Intervention Actions for Curriculum Change Adoption. Journal of Ecohumanism, 3(3), 1838–1846. |
143.Jha, S. ., Sahani, S. K. ., & Sahani, K. . (2024). MATRIX OPERATIONS: THE REAL-WORLD IMPLICATIONS OF MATRIX. JOURNAL OF THEORY, MATHEMATICS AND PHYSICS, 3(8), 14–22. Retrieved from |
145.Sah, R.K. & Sahani, S.K . (2024). Camel Analysis in Prediction of Financial Effectiveness of Nepalese Development Banks. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF BUSINESS STARTUPS AND OPEN SOCIETY, 4(8), 100–113. Retrieved from |
146.Mahato , S. K., Sahani , S. K., Sahani , K., & Sah , B. K. (2024). Examination and Interpretation of a Few Matrices’ Real-World Applications. Excellencia: International Multi-Disciplinary Journal of Education (2994-9521), 2(8), 495-507. |
148.B. K. Sah and S. K. Sahani, “Generalized Poisson-new linear-exponential distribution,” Mathematical Models in Engineering, Vol. 10, No. 4, –9, Sep. 2024, |
149.Das, R., Mahato, A. K., & Sahani, S. K. (2024). Study on Computer Applications of Number Theory in Cryptography. CENTRAL ASIAN JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL THEORY AND COMPUTER SCIENCES, 5(3), 320-328. Retrieved from |
150. Ashok Kumar Mahato, Suresh Kumar Sahani, & Rahul Das. (2024). Study on Computer Applications of Number Theory: New Study on Congruence in Mathematical Modeling. International Journal of Mathematical Theory and Computer Science Issues, 1(2), 9–14. Retrieved from |
151.Suresh Kumar Sahani, Binod Shah, Avinash Kumar, & Ravi Prakash Dubey. (2024). Study and Analysis of Mathematical Models for Networking Shipping Planning: An Overview of Transportation Problems in Nonlinear Sciences. Journal of Computational Analysis and Applications (JoCAAA), 33(2), 242–262. Retrieved from |
152.Binod Kumar Sah, Suresh Kumar Sahani, & A. Mishra. (2024). Size-Biased Poisson-New Linear-Exponential Distribution. Journal of Computational Analysis and Applications (JoCAAA), 33(05), 418–428. Retrieved from |
153.khatun, A., Sah, S. K., Sahani, S. K., & Mahto, S. K. (2024). Real Life Application of Consumer and Producer Surplus. Mikailalsys Journal of Advanced Engineering International, 1(3), 156-169. |
154.R. Das, Mahato, A.K.. Sahani, S.K., Mahto, S.K. STUDY ON DIOPHANTINE EQUATION AND ITS REAL-LIFE APPLICATIONS. (2024). International Journal of Innovative Studies, 9(1), 58-66. |
155.Sah, R. Karn, B.K., and Sahani, S. K. Factors Affecting Share Price of Nepalese, Development Banks, Symmetria : Journal of Advanced Physics and Mathematical Review, Vol.1, No.1, 2024,1-14. |
156.Das, P. K., Sahani, S. K., & Mahto, S. K. (2024). Significance of Conic Section in Daily Lifeand Real Life Questions Related to it in Different Sectors . Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika, 1(4), 14. |
157.Mahato, A. K., Das, R., & Sahani, S. K. (2024). Study on Application of Graph Theory in Artificial Intelligence (AI). Quest: Journal of Geometry, Mathematical and Quantum Physics, 1(3), 1–8. Retrieved from |
158.Mishra, R., & Sahani, S. K. (2024). Modern Designs Using Parabolic Curves as a New Paradigm for Sophisticated Architecture. Asian Journal of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Art, 2(5), 772-783. |
159. Moirbata, R.,Yadav, A.L., Sahani, A.K., Raman Studies On Cupric Telluride Thin Films: An Empirical Study On Cupric Telluride, Nanotechnology Perceptions Vol. 20 No. S1(2024)1075-1080 |
162.Moirbata, R.,Yadav, A.L., Sahani, A.K. Preparation and Characterization of Copper TellurideThin Films, Letters in High Energy Physics,Volume 2023. |
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Topic Name “Degree of Approximations of Signals on Strong (N,p,q)k Summability of Ultraspherical Series “, ICMTAST-21.
Prof. Dr. Ramjee Prasad Pandit
Suresh Kumar Sahani, Ph.D., Department of Science and Technology, Rajarshi Janak University, Janakpurdham, Nepal.
Suresh Kumar Sahani, Ph.D., Department of Science and Technology, Rajarshi Janak University, Janakpurdham, Nepal.
I hereby declare that all the information furnished above is correct to the best of my knowledge.
(Suresh Kumar Sahani, Ph.D.)
Department of Science, Technology, & Engineering
Rajarshi Janak University, Janakpurdham, Nepal